Sep 26, 2009

Brylee Anne

Where do I start. Thursday morning Jeremy and I left the house at 4 am to be at the hospital at 5 to be induced. It was one of the longest rides to Little Rock. I don't think we hardly said two words to one another. There were so many things going through my head.

When we arrived at the hospital, my contractions were already 5 minutes apart so I had a feeling it might not be so long of a day. They started the pitocin at at 6 am. Dr Sellers came by about 7 and I was dilated to a 3. He said that it would be late afternoon before Brylee arrived. I assured him it would be early afternoon.

I had decided to wait as long as I could to get the epidural. I was having no pain until about 11. At 12, I couldn't take it any longer and requested the epidual. A little after 1 the edpiduaral started and only took on the left side. After 30 min and more medicine, it finally took on the right side. At 2 I was throwing up and Heather, my wonderful nurse, said that she figured I was a 10 and I was! I practice pushed for just a little while. Heather paged for Dr Sellers. It was going to fast that Dr Sellers almost didn't make it in there in time. When Dr Sellers walked in, he rushed to put on his gloves and clothes. He told Jeremy that if she came out before he got his gloves on that he would have to catch her. Jeremy said well if I have to catch her then you're not getting paid... LOL

Brylee Anne came into the world on September 24, 2009 at 2:39 pm weiging 5 lbs 8 oz and 20 inches long. Labor was great! I could definately do it again but not so sure about the being pregnant for 9 months.

She is so perfect! I feel so blessed to have this precious little girl.... More details to come later!

Sep 22, 2009

Thursday is THE Day

Today was my last weekly baby dr appointment. I went in and was dilated to a 2 and 75% effaced. Dr Sellers said, "So when do you want to have this baby?" I said, "How does today sound? I have my bags backed and are in the car." He said, "How about Thursday?" So it looks like our Brylee Anne will be making her grand entrance on Thursday, September 24, 2009. She will share her birthday with her cousin Annabelle. Annabelle is turning two and the poor child has strep throat.

Tomorrow is my last day of work for six weeks. I'm so sad but happy at the same time. I'm going to miss seeing my friends at work everyday.

Please pray for me, Jeremy and Brylee on Thursday that everything comes out ok.

Sep 21, 2009


I had to break down and just do it! Another social network...

I'm sitting here at home timing contractions. Brylee Anne is expected to make her grand entrance in 7 days 1 hr and 24 minutes if not before. I can't wait to meet our precious angel that God has given to us. I never thought I would love anyone so much without ever seeing them. Jeremy says she is already just like her mother... has her foot in her mouth. I say she is just showing her flexibility.